Spot protesting in Raleigh, NC.
Spot was a hit, he spoke with two fellow angered citizens and had his picture taken.

Spot in the court yard of chapel hill about to dig in to some indian food.
Side note: http://www.curryblossom.com/
For a tasty meal go to Vimala's, she is tucked away off the road, there is a sign on franklin telling you where to go! Spot enjoyed the uttapam bread which is gluten free. They cater well to meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans with love.
I am currently taking Acting1 at CCCC here in the lovely Pittsboro, NC.
Our class has a mascot, I know you're jealous, go ahead and get one too!
Ours in named Spot!
This past weekend 10/14-10/18 was my turn to take him home.
I decided to document his goings.
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